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Sport, engineering, science, technology


Of eagels, sunflowers, and cycling trajectories

7 minute read


Fascinating trajectories in nature. An eagle soaring over a prey, the seeds of a sunflower, and a group of cyclists cornerning at the 2024 Milano-Sanremo race.

The Greatest Show on Earth

less than 1 minute read


In this post, I discuss how AI techonologies might assist us to monitor and optimize the chronic physiological adaptations that occur with endurance training, as well as how AI models might be used subsequently to develop more data-driven and systematic approaches to training program design.

How AI is (not) going to change sport science

less than 1 minute read


In this blog post with this (for some) controversial title, I diuscss why I don’t believe that we need AI to become better coaches or better sport scientists. Indeed, we need AI to test old ideas, and form new ones, to stimulate debate, and move our optimization forward.


The Oxynet project

Application of deep learning technologies to the process of cardiopulmonary exercise tests


Experimentally validated cyclist kinematic model: Towards a multi-level biomechanical model for optimal performance analysis

Published in In the proceedings of 5th International Congress Mountain Sport and Health, 2013

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Francesco Biral, Barbara Pellegrini, Federico Schena, "Experimentally validated cyclist kinematic model: Towards a multi-level biomechanical model for optimal performance analysis." In the proceedings of 5th International Congress Mountain Sport and Health, 2013.

Influence of the world’s most challenging mountain ultra-marathon on energy cost and running mechanics

Published in European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2014

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Recommended citation: Gianluca Vernillo, Aldo Savoldelli, Andrea Zignoli, Pietro Trabucchi, Barbara Pellegrini, Gr{\'e}goire Millet, Federico Schena, "Influence of the world’s most challenging mountain ultra-marathon on energy cost and running mechanics." European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2014.

Energy cost and kinematics of level, uphill and downhill running: fatigue-induced changes after a mountain ultramarathon

Published in Journal of sports sciences, 2015

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Recommended citation: Gianluca Vernillo, Aldo Savoldelli, Andrea Zignoli, Spyros Skafidas, Alessandro Fornasiero, Antonio La, Lorenzo Bortolan, Barbara Pellegrini, Federico Schena, "Energy cost and kinematics of level, uphill and downhill running: fatigue-induced changes after a mountain ultramarathon." Journal of sports sciences, 2015.

What virtual modeling can tell us about bioenergetics and biomechanics of cycling

Published in In the proceedings of Proceedings of" 6th International Congress Mountain, Sport & Health. Updating study and research from laboratory to field", 2015

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Barbara Pellegrini, Francesco Biral, "What virtual modeling can tell us about bioenergetics and biomechanics of cycling." In the proceedings of Proceedings of" 6th International Congress Mountain, Sport & Health. Updating study and research from laboratory to field", 2015.

Variable compliance control for transfer support robot

Published in In the proceedings of 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2017

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Recommended citation: Kouta Yokoyama, Tomoyuki Shimono, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Andrea Zignoli, Kohei Ohnishi, "Variable compliance control for transfer support robot." In the proceedings of 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2017.

Analysis of assistive strategies for electric bikes that include rider’s physiological characteristics

Published in In the proceedings of Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 2018

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Lorenzo Beatrici, Francesco Biral, "Analysis of assistive strategies for electric bikes that include rider’s physiological characteristics." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 2018.

Delayed parasympathetic reactivation and sympathetic withdrawal following maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in hypoxia

Published in European journal of applied physiology, 2018

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Recommended citation: Alessandro Fornasiero, Aldo Savoldelli, Spyros Skafidas, Federico Stella, Lorenzo Bortolan, Gennaro Boccia, Andrea Zignoli, Federico Schena, Laurent Mourot, Barbara Pellegrini, "Delayed parasympathetic reactivation and sympathetic withdrawal following maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in hypoxia." European journal of applied physiology, 2018.

Rationale for researching in dob/oc-based rehabilitation robots: Simulation results

Published in In the proceedings of IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2018

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Tomoyuki Shimono, Francesco Biral, "Rationale for researching in dob/oc-based rehabilitation robots: Simulation results." In the proceedings of IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2018.

Cardiac autonomic and physiological responses to moderate-intensity exercise in hypoxia

Published in International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2019

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Recommended citation: Alessandro Fornasiero, Spyros Skafidas, Federico Stella, Andrea Zignoli, Aldo Savoldelli, Mark Rakobowchuk, Barbara Pellegrini, Federico Schena, Laurent Mourot, "Cardiac autonomic and physiological responses to moderate-intensity exercise in hypoxia." International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2019.

Expert-level classification of ventilatory thresholds from cardiopulmonary exercising test data with recurrent neural networks

Published in European journal of sport science, 2019

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Alessandro Fornasiero, Federico Stella, Barbara Pellegrini, Federico Schena, Francesco Biral, Paul Laursen, "Expert-level classification of ventilatory thresholds from cardiopulmonary exercising test data with recurrent neural networks." European journal of sport science, 2019.

Including a musculoskeletal model in the control loop of an assistive robot for the design of optimal target forces

Published in In the proceedings of IECON 2019-45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2019

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Francesco Biral, Kouta Yokoyama, Tomoyuki Shimono, "Including a musculoskeletal model in the control loop of an assistive robot for the design of optimal target forces." In the proceedings of IECON 2019-45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2019.

State-of-the art concepts and future directions in modelling oxygen consumption and lactate concentration in cycling exercise

Published in Sport Sciences for Health, 2019

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Alessandro Fornasiero, Enrico Bertolazzi, Barbara Pellegrini, Federico Schena, Francesco Biral, Paul Laursen, "State-of-the art concepts and future directions in modelling oxygen consumption and lactate concentration in cycling exercise." Sport Sciences for Health, 2019.

Estimating an individual’s oxygen uptake during cycling exercise with a recurrent neural network trained from easy-to-obtain inputs: A pilot study

Published in PLoS One, 2020

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Alessandro Fornasiero, Matteo Ragni, Barbara Pellegrini, Federico Schena, Francesco Biral, Paul Laursen, "Estimating an individual’s oxygen uptake during cycling exercise with a recurrent neural network trained from easy-to-obtain inputs: A pilot study." PLoS One, 2020.

Post-exercise hypotension and reduced cardiac baroreflex after half-marathon run: in men, but not in women

Published in International journal of environmental research and public health, 2020

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Recommended citation: Laurent Mourot, Alessandro Fornasiero, Mark Rakobowchuk, Laurie Isacco, Alfredo Brighenti, Federico Stella, Andrea Zignoli, Barbara Pellegrini, Cantor Tarperi, Federico Schena, "Post-exercise hypotension and reduced cardiac baroreflex after half-marathon run: in men, but not in women." International journal of environmental research and public health, 2020.

Shortening work-rest durations reduces physiological and perceptual load during uphill walking in simulated cold high-altitude conditions

Published in High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 2020

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Recommended citation: Alessandro Fornasiero, Aldo Savoldelli, Federico Stella, Alexa Callovini, Lorenzo Bortolan, Andrea Zignoli, David Low, Laurent Mourot, Federico Schena, Barbara Pellegrini, "Shortening work-rest durations reduces physiological and perceptual load during uphill walking in simulated cold high-altitude conditions." High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 2020.

Similar cardiovascular and autonomic responses in trained type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy participants in response to half marathon

Published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2020

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Recommended citation: Laurent Mourot, Alessandro Fornasiero, Mark Rakobowchuk, Spyros Skafidas, Alfredo Brighenti, Federico Stella, Andrea Zignoli, Aldo Savoldelli, Barbara Pellegrini, Elisa Danese, "Similar cardiovascular and autonomic responses in trained type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy participants in response to half marathon." Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2020.

Assessment of bike handling during cycling individual time trials with a novel analytical technique adapted from motorcycle racing

Published in European journal of sport science, 2021

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Francesco Biral, Alessandro Fornasiero, Dajo Sanders, Teun Erp, Manuel Mateo-March, Federico Fontana, Paolo Artuso, Paolo MenaspĂ , Marc Quod, "Assessment of bike handling during cycling individual time trials with a novel analytical technique adapted from motorcycle racing." European journal of sport science, 2021.

Influence of corners and road conditions on cycling individual time trial performance and ‘optimal’pacing strategy: a simulation study

Published in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2021

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, "Influence of corners and road conditions on cycling individual time trial performance and ‘optimal’pacing strategy: a simulation study." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2021.

Knee flexor and extensor torque ratio in elderly men and women with and without obesity: a cross-sectional study

Published in Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2021

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Recommended citation: Valentina Muollo, Andrea Zignoli, Laura Ghiotto, Chiara Milanese, Mauro Zamboni, Federico Schena, Andrea Rossi, "Knee flexor and extensor torque ratio in elderly men and women with and without obesity: a cross-sectional study." Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2021.

Oxynet: A collective intelligence that detects ventilatory thresholds in cardiopulmonary exercise tests

Published in European Journal of Sport Science, 2021

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Alessandro Fornasiero, Paolo Rota, Valentina Muollo, LA Peyr{\'e}-Tartaruga, DA Low, FY Fontana, D Besson, Martin PĂźhringer, Susanne Ring-Dimitriou, "Oxynet: A collective intelligence that detects ventilatory thresholds in cardiopulmonary exercise tests." European Journal of Sport Science, 2021.

Post-exercise cardiac autonomic and cardiovascular responses to heart rate-matched and work rate-matched hypoxic exercise

Published in European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2021

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Recommended citation: Alessandro Fornasiero, Andrea Zignoli, Mark Rakobowchuk, Federico Stella, Aldo Savoldelli, Spyros Skafidas, Federico Schena, Barbara Pellegrini, Laurent Mourot, "Post-exercise cardiac autonomic and cardiovascular responses to heart rate-matched and work rate-matched hypoxic exercise." European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2021.

Response to Chaen and Trapellieni re:" Shortening Work-Rest Durations Reduces Physiological and Perceptual Load During Uphill Walking in Simulated Cold High-Altitude Conditions," by Fornasiero et al

Published in High altitude medicine & biology, 2021

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Recommended citation: Alessandro Fornasiero, Aldo Savoldelli, Federico Stella, Alexa Callovini, Lorenzo Bortolan, Andrea Zignoli, David Low, Laurent Mourot, Federico Schena, Barbara Pellegrini, "Response to Chaen and Trapellieni re:" Shortening Work-Rest Durations Reduces Physiological and Perceptual Load During Uphill Walking in Simulated Cold High-Altitude Conditions," by Fornasiero et al." High altitude medicine & biology, 2021.

Response to Chaen and Trapellieni re:“Shortening Work-Rest Durations Reduces Physiological and Perceptual Load During Uphill Walking in Simulated Cold High-Altitude Conditions,” by Fornasiero et al.

Published in High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 2021

Use Google Scholar for full citation

Recommended citation: Alessandro Fornasiero, Aldo Savoldelli, Federico Stella, Alexa Callovini, Lorenzo Bortolan, Andrea Zignoli, David Low, Laurent Mourot, Federico Schena, Barbara Pellegrini, "Response to Chaen and Trapellieni re:“Shortening Work-Rest Durations Reduces Physiological and Perceptual Load During Uphill Walking in Simulated Cold High-Altitude Conditions,” by Fornasiero et al.." High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 2021.

Assessment of bike handling during cycling individual time trials with a novel analytical technique adapted from motorcycle racing

Published in European journal of sport science, 2022

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Francesco Biral, Alessandro Fornasiero, Dajo Sanders, Teun Erp, Manuel Mateo-March, Federico Fontana, Paolo Artuso, Paolo Menasp{\`a}, Marc Quod, "Assessment of bike handling during cycling individual time trials with a novel analytical technique adapted from motorcycle racing." European journal of sport science, 2022.

Automatic generation of realistic cardiopulmonary exercise test data with a conditional generative adversarial neural network

Published in In the proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR), 2022

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Damiano Fruet, "Automatic generation of realistic cardiopulmonary exercise test data with a conditional generative adversarial neural network." In the proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR), 2022.

Biomechanical Analysis and Modeling of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture Conditions: Focus on Female Soccer Players

Published in In the proceedings of Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research, 2022

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Linda Tonelli, Damiano Fruet, Francesco Biral, Vigilio Fontanari, "Biomechanical Analysis and Modeling of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture Conditions: Focus on Female Soccer Players." In the proceedings of Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research, 2022.

Biomechanical analysis and modeling of anterior cruciate ligament rupture conditions: focus on female football (soccer) players

Published in In the proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR), 2022

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Recommended citation: Linda Tonelli, Francesco Biral, Andrea Zignoli, Damiano Fruet, Vigilio Fontanari, "Biomechanical analysis and modeling of anterior cruciate ligament rupture conditions: focus on female football (soccer) players." In the proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR), 2022.

Developing a testing protocol to assess the mechanical properties of high-level cycling shoes

Published in In the proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR), 2022

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Recommended citation: Damiano Fruet, Andrea Zignoli, Vigilio Fontanari, Francesco Biral, Sunil Raghavendra, Mauro Pezzato, Eric Saeter, "Developing a testing protocol to assess the mechanical properties of high-level cycling shoes." In the proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR), 2022.

Eager to set a record in a vertical race? Test your VO2max first!

Published in Journal of Sports Sciences, 2022

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Recommended citation: Alessandro Fornasiero, Aldo Savoldelli, Andrea Zignoli, Alexa Callovini, Marco Decet, Lorenzo Bortolan, Federico Schena, Barbara Pellegrini, "Eager to set a record in a vertical race? Test your VO2max first!." Journal of Sports Sciences, 2022.

Estimating running kinematics variability with an IMU sensor placed on the runner's thorax

Published in In the proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR), 2022

Use Google Scholar for full citation

Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Damiano Fruet, Laurent Mourot, "Estimating running kinematics variability with an IMU sensor placed on the runner's thorax." In the proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR), 2022.

Knee flexor and extensor torque ratio in elderly men and women with and without obesity: A cross-sectional study

Published in Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2022

Use Google Scholar for full citation

Recommended citation: Valentina Muollo, Andrea Zignoli, Laura Ghiotto, Chiara Milanese, Mauro Zamboni, Federico Schena, Andrea Rossi, "Knee flexor and extensor torque ratio in elderly men and women with and without obesity: A cross-sectional study." Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2022.

Oxynet: A collective intelligence that detects ventilatory thresholds in cardiopulmonary exercise tests

Published in European Journal of Sport Science, 2022

Use Google Scholar for full citation

Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Alessandro Fornasiero, Paolo Rota, Valentina Muollo, LA Peyr{\'e}-Tartaruga, DA Low, FY Fontana, D Besson, Martin P{\"u}hringer, Susanne Ring-Dimitriou, "Oxynet: A collective intelligence that detects ventilatory thresholds in cardiopulmonary exercise tests." European Journal of Sport Science, 2022.

Association between pre-exercise food ingestion timing and reactive hypoglycemia: insights from a large database of continuous glucose monitoring data

Published in European journal of sport science, 2023

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Federico Fontana, David Lipman, Kristina Skroce, Felipe Maturana, Howard Zisser, "Association between pre-exercise food ingestion timing and reactive hypoglycemia: insights from a large database of continuous glucose monitoring data." European journal of sport science, 2023.

Eager to set a record in a vertical race? Test your VO2max first!

Published in Journal of Sports Sciences, 2023

Use Google Scholar for full citation

Recommended citation: Alessandro Fornasiero, Aldo Savoldelli, Andrea Zignoli, Alexa Callovini, Marco Decet, Lorenzo Bortolan, Federico Schena, Barbara Pellegrini, "Eager to set a record in a vertical race? Test your VO2max first!." Journal of Sports Sciences, 2023.

Greater Number Of Cardio Sessions, Protein For Breakfast, And Reducing Fatigue Can Minimize Glucose Variability: 2330

Published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2023

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Recommended citation: Jinger Gottschall, Neal Henderson, C Mac, Bryce Hastings, Andrea Zignoli, Kristina Skroce, David Lipman, Howard Zisser, "Greater Number Of Cardio Sessions, Protein For Breakfast, And Reducing Fatigue Can Minimize Glucose Variability: 2330." Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2023.

Personalized nutrition and machine-learning: Exploring the scope of continuous glucose monitoring in healthy individuals in uncontrolled settings

Published in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024

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Recommended citation: Andrea Zignoli, Kristina Skroce, David Lipman, Howard Zisser, "Personalized nutrition and machine-learning: Exploring the scope of continuous glucose monitoring in healthy individuals in uncontrolled settings." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024.


An optimal control approach to the high intensity interval training design


At the 2016 edition of the World Congress of Cycling Science, I presented a new methodology that can be adopted to automatically prescribe high intensity interval training sessions with optimal control techniques. The research teeam was compesed by: A. Zignoli, A. Fornasiero, A. Savoldelli, M. Morelli, E. Bertolazzi, F. Biral and B. Pellegrini.

DeMotu project: design and production of a 3D printed human knee for research in biomechanics


In this talk delivered at the Mountain Sport and Health international conference, I presented the results of the DeMotu project in behalf of the research group: A. Zignoli, C. Malacarne, P. Bosetti, L. Bortolan, D. Tombolato and F. Biral. The talk was mainly about 3D printing technologies apoplied to the design of new physical models of the human knee.

How to process power data in sports


This hands on tutorial was part of the International Summer School in Wearable Sensors in Sport, Energetics and power monitoring in sport. I paste here the description of the tutorial from the school website.

Human-AI Balance in Coaching: A Look into Athletica’s AI-Assisted HRV Monitoring


This episode of the Athletes Compass podcast explores heart rate variability (HRV) and its role in optimizing training readiness and recovery. Andrea Zignoli, co-architect of Athletica’s AI-assisted HRV monitoring, discusses how AI enhances HRV analysis while maintaining the importance of human expertise for contextual decision-making. They explore the integration of Garmin technology, AI, and HRV trends to balance training load and recovery.


Course of Technology and Innovation in Sports

Master's Degree in Physical Education and Sport, Academic Year 2024-25, University of Trento & University of Verona, 2024

Technology and innovation in sport,
Mechatronics in Sport,
1st semester LM68
from Sep 30th, 2024 to Jan 17th, 2025, Rovereto, Trento, Italy